Hand picked and edited, these facts are no mere compilation, they represent the best info about the life of Chuck Norris!
Finding awesome videos about Chuck Norris is the least of your problems.  Find out the facts about these videos, with Tony Danza and Chuck Norris Reading the top facts!
Really great photos.  Pictures from Chuck Norris' own album of images!
These are links to resources about Chuck Norris.  They will help you inform yourself about the true Chuck
Discuss the facts about Chuck Norris.  Creat a buzz!
All about the top 100 Chuck Norris facts

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the fact aboout Chuck Norris is that he is a killing machine.  Any of these other facts listed here in the Top 100 fact list is an insult to Chuck Norris. Mr. Norris, as he is called when people don't call him Chuck is one bad dude, and that is a fact, can you top it 100 times?

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Who is Nuck Chorris? This is a Chuck Norris fan site. This site is in no way affiliated with Chuck Norris.